Configuration Replacement

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The configuration replacement function can synchronize the configuration of an old or faulty device to a new device of the same model. After the configuration replacement task is complete, Ruijie JaCS will send the configuration of the old device to the new one when it goes online. In this way, users do not need to manually configure the new device again, helping improving operation and maintenance efficiency.

Note: The configuration replacement is only applicable to the OLTs of the same model.

The specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Select an existing device and click Replace.


Step 2: Enter the SN and MAC address of the new device. Please make sure that the SN and MAC of the new device match each other.


Step 3: Click Select Config File and select the configuration file of the existing device. After selecting, click OK.


In the Select Config File interface,  you can click Backup to back up the current device configuration.

Step 4: After selecting the configuration file, click OK.


Step 5: After the prompt message appears, the replacement task is created. 


To replace the configuration of OLTs in batches:

Step 1: Click Replace.


Step 2: Click Download Template to download the template.


Step 3: Fill in the template. Up to 200 devices can be imported each time.


(1) Replaced Device SN: Enter the SN of the existing device.

(2) New Device SN: Enter the SN of the new device.

(3) MAC: Enter the MAC address of the new device.

Step 4: Click Batch Import to import the filled template.


Step 5: Select the configuration files for your devices and click OK.




Step 6: After the prompt message appears, click X to close the prompt box.


