Introduction to ONU Management Interface

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Click Project > ONU to go to the ONU management interface. Click the SN of an ONU, you can view its detailed information.



Item Description:

(1) Project Name: Displays the name of the project where the ONU is located.

(2) Online Status: Displays the online status of the ONU. The online status of the device includes: Online/Offline/Not Online Yet. Click the filter icon  to filter devices by online status.

(3) SN: Displays the SN of the device. Click the SN number of an ONU to view its details.

(4) MAC: Displays the MAC addresses of ONUs.

(5) Model: Displays ONU models.

(6) Alias: Displays the aliases of ONUs.

(7) MGMT IP: Displays the management addresses of ONUs.

(8) Egress IP: Displays the egress IP addresses of ONUs.

(9) Firmware Version: Displays the firmware version of the ONU.

(10) Last See On: Displays the last online time of the ONU.

(11) Actions Hover the cursor over the  in the Action column. When the Delete button appears, click it to remove the device from the project.

Button Description:

 : Add button. Click this button to enter the adding interface.

  : eWeb button. Select an ONU, and click this button to can access its eWeb.

  : Click this button to display more operation buttons, including: Move to, Delete, and Reboot.

 : Automatic refresh switch. The automatic refresh function is enabled by default. When it is enabled, the ONU device list will automatically refresh once every minute.

 : Refresh button. Click this button manually to refresh the ONU list.

 : Row height adjustment button. Click this button to adjust the row height.

 : Search box. Supports searching an ONU by its SN, MAC, or alias.

Click the SN of a ONU device to go to the Device Detail page. The Device Detail page contains four parts: Device Information, Overview, Tunnel and Back up

(1) Device Information

The device information displays the device’s SN, MAC address, MGMT IP address, model, hardware version, firmware version, alias and description. To reset the device SSID, click Reset SSID Information.


(2) Overview Tab

The Overview tab consists of three parts: Status, Traffic Summary and SSID List.


  • Status

Displays the memory and CPU usages and the number of alarms.


  • Traffic Summary

Displays the traffic statistics in the last 24 hours or 7 days. Hover your cursor at a time to check its upnlink and downlink traffic.


  • SSID List

Displays the SSID information of the device.


(3) Tunnel Tab

Click Create Tunnel to go to the Tunnel page. Select a tunnel tyep and then click Create Tunnel to create a tunnel for the device. 



(4) Back up Tab



(1) Back Up: Click this button to back up the configuration of the OLT device.

(2) Restore: Select a backup configuration file and then click this button to restore the device to the selected configuration backuped.

(3) Delete: Select a configuration file and then click Delete to delete it.

(4) Details: Click Details in the Action column to view the details of the configuration.

