Replacement Logs

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Click Logs > Replace Log to go to the configuration replacement log interface. The log list displays the device's SN number, status, project, IP address, start time, end time, and creation time.



Five status are available in the Status column:

  • Failed: The configuration of the old device failed to be applied to the new device.
  • Success: The configuration of the old device has been applied to the new device.
  • Waiting: Waiting for a new device to come online.
  • Replacing: Configuration replacement is in progress.
  • Abort: Configuration replacement task is terminated.

Click the  icon on the lower right corner of Status column to filter the logs according to the replacement status, or filter the operation logs according to the device's SN and operation time period.


If the replacement status is "Waiting" and you need to terminate the configuration replacement task, you can click the  icon in the Action column. After the confirmation prompt appears, click OK.
